Essential Oils are definitely a beekeepers friend!
As an avid beekeeper for over 10 years, I can tell you I have personally used Essentials with those beautiful creatures. They are safe to use around the bees, and very effective!
My absolute favorites associated with beekeeping are LEMONGRASS and TEA TREE
Check out the info and recipes below.
Lemongrass is steam distilled from the leaves of a perennial grass typically found in Nepal, India, & Sri Lanka. The oil itself is typically pale-yellow with an herbaceous, earthy, citrus aroma.
It is this aroma that makes it a perfect companion for beekeeping because it's similar to the pheromone of worker bees making it ideal for capturing swarms or moving hives.
Put a few drops of lemongrass on a cotton ball & drop into the box.
Use in supplemental food for bees to stimulate them into eating the food: Simply dilute the oil in a spray bottle & spray over the food supplement.
Use in your smoker or spray bottle when trying to calm the bees: Helpful when re-queening.
Spearmint oil is often used in conjunction with lemongrass oil during feeding to improve hive health and work as a recruiting scent.
Caution: During periods of dearth, the smell may attract robber bees to the hives.
Used in grease patties for control of mites and small hive beetles. When a varroa mite comes in direct contact with tea tree oil mixed in a grease patty, the mites usually die in a few minutes. The infected bee must however, walk across or feed on the patty. Therefore direct toxicity cannot be counted on to control these mites, it can only aid in controlling.
Recipe for a grease patty with Tea Tree Essential Oil:
Mix 1 part solid vegetable shortening 2 parts sugar with a hint of Tea Tree oil to provide odor and attract bees. Split into 1/4 cup portions and store in freezer between wax paper sheets.
